Logistics Services

  • Fastest transit time
  • More than 50 Operating Locations
+91 88722 84340




Comprehensive Coverage

100% GPS Enabled

Improved Safety

Technology adaptation

B2B Solutions

25+ years Experience in Surface, Air and 3 PL Inventory Management

KP Logistics delivers performance comprehensive coverage and service excellence across North India.

Any Size, Any Distance

Our core values are safety, integrity, commitment and excellence. Everything we do at KP Logistics reflects these values and we constantly strive to improve safety as non negotiable.


At KP Logistics everything we do is done with fairness, compassion, respect, courage and much more.


Commitment means a lot to us. At KP logistics we keep our words and deliver what we promise.


Excellence is what we strive for in all that we do. Our core value all combine to produce excellent people, excellent results, and excellent Organization.

Solutions for all Verticals




IT & Telecom


Our core Delivery Business



Day define delivery service using Surface & Air

North India Network for PTL

Shipment Integrity

  • Daily tracking of integrity breach – Damage, pilferage and theft.
  • Ascribing responsibility for all cases to a location or vendor.
  • Surprise checks and security audits.

Some of our valued Customers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Track my Order/Shipment?
Of course, you can. You will be given a Tracking Id for the order.
Why should I choose KP Logistics?

Many reasons to chose us:

  • First of all, we are thriving into the logistics business for 25 years.
  • Big giants like Bajaj, Usha, Wipro, Havells, Godrej, Bosch, Kei wires and cables and more prestigious names are our premium clients.
  • Reliable, On-time delivery.
  • You can track order anytime.
  • Complete support available.
  • Reasonable cost.
  • Both land and Air delivery available.
How can I contact you for booking?
  • Well, you can visit our contact page and fill out the form.
  • Through email. Or you can call us.
  • In fact if you are nearby us or willing to come to us, you will be welcomed. We will be happy to serve you.
What can we ship through your services?
Almost everything which is legal to transport. From Apparels to healthcare or big industrial goods, machinery, automobiles, IT goods and more - we will be grateful to cater you.

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